Team page

Setting a team goal increases donor activity with a visual indicator of your team's progress

Team name

Enter a team name

Describe what your team is about, what you're trying to do and share your motivation...

Upload team logo or image Delete

Embed a YouTube or Vimeo video on your team page by copy & pasting the video link

Video URL (optional)
Max team members (optional)

Team captain

First name

Enter a first name

Last name

Enter a last name


Enter a phone number

Phone type
Email address

Enter a valid email address

Email type



Enter an address

Apartment, suite, etc. (optional)

Enter a city


Enter a country


Enter a state

ZIP code

Enter a zip


Select a location

Additional details

Thank you so much for creating a team for Rock the Block 2024!

A few things to note:

1. You will need to create your personal page under your team. If you return to the home page of the campaign after creating your team, you will then click PARTICIPATE AS AN INDIVIDUAL and your team will pop up for you to join. 

2. Our goal is that each team will have 10 people. Please actively try to recruit 10 people for your team. Team members that you currently have in mind may also know a few people that they can reach out to too form a full team. 

3. As a team captain we want to support you as much as possible. Feel free to reach out to Kourtney Gallagher with any questions

I understand I need to create my personal page within my team.

Enter a response

I will try my very best to recruit 10 people to my team (not mandatory, just encouraged)

Enter a response


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